Summary | Plot | Gameplay | Production | Release | Reception | Notes | Gallery | Modding |
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This page is dedicated to information and modifications related to White Day: A Labyrinth Named School (2001) Which utilizes WangReal Engine.
File Formats[]
File Format | Description |
.NOP | These are main data container files which contain all of the game data, can be unpacked and repacked by nopunpack and noppack. |
.BMP; .JPG; .TGA | Textures |
.WAD | Leftover game archive from earlier versions (presumably). Most of the files are superseded by external ones. |
.BSP | Level model file. Can be viewed/edited with any tool that supports v22 (Half-Life format) BSP, such as Nem's BSP Viewer. |
.WEP; .WED (demo) | Substitute for BSP's internal Entity section. Load up models and events. |
.LSF; .LTS; .NLF; .WND; .WYP | ??? (Lightmaps? Waypoints?) |
.TXT; .INI; .WDB | Text files. Preferably edit with Notepad++ for correct encoding. (Encoding -> Character sets -> Korean -> EUC-KR) |
.TXT | Macros. |
.FNT .WFT | In-game fonts. |
.MTN | Animation (scripted in-engine cutscenes) |
.MPG | Making-of video (presumably, scrapped videotape content). |
.WAV | Sounds, music. |
.MP3 | Torres MP3 Player music files, can also use wav? |
.PET | Models. Can be viewed with PetImport |
.SCP | Script files. C-derivative language. |
.SAV | Saved Games. |
- Custom Skin: This tool comes packaged with White Day and allows installing custom "face" skins for the player and janitors.
- NopUnpack / NopPack: Extracts the data when unpack and compiled when pack.[1]
- Wally: Can be used to open ".wad" texture archive file (used by .BSP map files).
- Nem's BSP Viewer: This tool could be used to view the 3d maps (Please beware that the map will have errors with this software)
- Notepad++: Most programmers/modders use this, along with programming tools and a hex editor, this views text with proper encoding.
- Pangya Pet Import 3DSMax (HSReina): (3DSMax 2010, 2013 (x64), 2014 (x64)) Useful for viewing WangReal Engine character models.
- Locale Emulator: For people having issues running the game on their system, this allows you to emulate the Korean locale (and file system) to bypass any possible bugs.
- English Translation (Unnamed GS) - Latest: Download v16
- White Day a Ghost School Tragedy Mod (Sounds & Textures)
- Russian Translation
- Fan Translation Mod Patch (By Diszxchat)
- Console Mode (Exe + Dll Patch)
File References[]
.SCP Files used for the game's programming and code, can be edited, written in C#. Located in script includes scripts, few files (mostly related to script) and some unused scripts.
- i_500원 - Coin
- i_군엄마 - Cooled Clay Doll
- i_다우징 - L-Rods
- i_떨어질열쇠 - Falling Key
- i_라이타 - Lighter
- i_락스병 - Chemical Solvent
- i_렌턴 - Flashlight
- i_리모콘 - Remote
- i_목걸이 - So-young's Necklace (Found in the first main building but the object was send deleted through the script.)
- i_미궁석판 - Home Economics Room Key
- i_사인펜 - Pen
- i_성냥 - Matches
- i_소화기2 - Fire Extinguisher A
- i_소화기3 - Fire Extinguisher B
- i_소화기4 - Fire Extinguisher C
- i_수의부적 - Water Amulet
- i_안군엄마 - Clay Doll
- i_애기엄마 - Baby and the mother's Doll
- i_애기토우 - Baby's Doll
- i_열쇠3 - Fire Shutter Key (Found in the drawer but the object was send deleted through the script.)
- i_열쇠4 - Classroom Master Key
- i_열쇠5 - Teacher's Lounge Key
- i_열쇠6 - Student Department Key
- i_열쇠7 -Science Room Key
- i_열쇠10 - Rooftop Key
- i_열쇠11a - Library Key
- i_열쇠12 - A Locker Key of the Boys' Changing Room
- i_열쇠13 - Girls' Shower Room Key
- i_열쇠14 - Boys' Shower Room Key
- i_열쇠달린씨디 - CD with Key
- i_적의카드 - Red Key Card
- i_종이 - Library Notice
- i_종이위열쇠 - Library Key on the Library Notice
- i_중벌엄마 - Cooled Clay Doll
- i_청의카드 - Blue Key Card
- i_초벌엄마 - Clay Doll
- i_태극 - Plate Taegeuk
- i_테이프 - Cassette Tape
- i_황의카드 - Yellow Key Card
- info - Tutorial on how to do a script
- item - Items
- lastevent - The Labyrinth Collapsing
- look&hand - None
- o_tvnoise - TV noise
- o_가마 - Oven
- o_가스관1 - Gas pipe
- o_감시카메라 - Security Camera / CCTV Camera
- o_강당커튼 - Auditorium Curtain
- o_개수대물 - Dripping from the faucet at Science Lab of Main Building 2
- o_개수대 - The Sink at Science Lab of Main Building 2
- o_고양이출몰장 - (At an early stage , The Cabinet where Cat appears.) A Cabinet in the occult club.
- o_공상자 - Ball box (Valve Ball Puzzle)
- o_교복케이스 - Getting the Yellow Key Card and Triggering the scene
- o_교실자물쇠01 - Using Keys
- o_교실자물쇠02 - Using Keys
- o_교장실모니터 - Principal's Office Monitors
- o_교장실번호자물쇠 - Principal's Office Number Pad
- o_교장책상 - Principal's Office Desk and Video Tape (There is a video playable but it was send to lost)
- o_금의부적 - A rope(Geumjul) and a Korean talisman paper wrapping a safe containing a Metal Amulet
- o_금의빛 - Metal Amulet
- o_깨질비이커 - Broken Beaker
- o_나무상자02 - Wooden box in Lost and found
- o_낙서장 - Note (Save point)
- o_녹음기 - Recorder
- o_담배 - Cigarettes
- o_더미1 - Dummy
- o_더미2 - Dummy
- o_더미3 - Dummy
- o_더미4 - Dummy
- o_더미new - Dummy
- o_더미new2 - Dummy
- o_레이져프린터 - Laser Printer (Computer Lab of New Building)
- o_목의빛 - Wood Amulet
- o_무용실거울 - Dance Studio Mirror
- o_무용실스피커 - Dance Studio Speakers
- o_문제어기계 - Gym Hall Door device at Auditorium Control Room
- o_물담긴양동이 - Bucket of water (For the deleted event)
- o_물든수도꼭지 - Faucet with water
- o_바닥글씨 - The Chinese character of floor (Boss stage)
- o_백열등1 - incandescent lamp
- o_배전판2 - Fuses & Switch box in New Building.
- o_번호자물통 - Number Lock
- o_벽전화 - Telephone on the wall (Music room, Main Building Section 2)
- o_보일러게이지 - Gauge of Boiler
- o_비이커 - Beaker
- o_사진03 - (Unused) Passman
- o_석고상 - Plaster cast
- o_소방용스크류 - Fire Sprinkler at Hall
- o_수의금줄 - Geumjul (A Straw rope that blocks denial or represents the boundary of a sacred object.) of Water Amulet
- o_수의빛 - Water Amulet
- o_수의자물통 - The Lock of 3rd floor in New Building
- o_스탠드 - Desk Lamp at New building
- o_스피커잭 - (Maybe) Speaker jack connector at the floor
- o_신관3층자물쇠 - The Lock of 3rd floor in New Building
- o_신관스위치 - New Building Lights switch
- o_신관용덕트 - Ceiling New Building (Maybe, Where the Arcturus Limited Edition was)
- o_신관조명 - New Building Main Hall light part
- o_신관히터 - Heater at New Building
- o_액자 - Pictures about Clock event
- o_양동이 - Bucket
- o_양변기 - Toilet (fixture) in the New Building (Unlike the Squat toilet)
- o_어학실녹음기 - Cassette Tape Player in Language Lab
- o_에어컨 - Library Air Conditioner
- o_열림라커 - Boys' Locker Room Key
- o_오디오 - Remote Control
- o_오디오2 - CD Player
- o_옥상조명 - Roof Light
- o_음악실피 - Blood from the Piano (Music Room)
- o_이름표 - nameplate
- o_이사장들 - Chief Director
- o_일기장 - The Masterless Diary
- o_자판기 - Putting coin in the vending machine & Malfunctioning Coffee Machine & P's Vending Machine
- o_전화3 - Telephone from the Piano Room
- o_조명1 - None ('조명' is light,lamp)
- o_조명4 - The stage Lighting in front of school uniform near the Student Records Office
- o_조명제어기계 - Lighting control Device (Switch to the gym door)
- o_창틀 - Windowframe (Na-young's Event scene)
- o_카메라a - CCTV screen image at Principal's Office (Faculty Office 1)
- o_카메라b - CCTV screen image at Principal's Office (Art Room)
- o_카메라c - CCTV screen image at Principal's Office (1F Hallway)
- o_카메라d - CCTV screen image at Principal's Office (Science Lab)
- o_카세트 - Cassette Player
- o_타이머 - Timer
- o_토의빛 - Earth Amulet effect
- o_퓨즈 - Fuses
- o_피씨본체01 - PC Console
- o_피아노 - Piano Interaction
- o_혈흔2 - Bloody Hand
- o_화의빛 - Fire Amulet effect
- o_화이트보드 - Whiteboard Ghost
- o_화이트보드2 - Whiteboard Ghost
- p_라스트투용바닥 - Floor of Devilmap (the labyrinth collapses)
- p_라스트투용배경 - Backgraund of Devilmap (the labyrinth collapses)
- sms - Message for Phone
- 강당문 - Auditorium Doors
- 거미줄 - Spider Webs in duct
- 교실팻말 - Classroom Signs
- 노리군 - Sonnorigun, Opening Vending Machine with P's Vending Machine Key
- 매크로용아이템 - Macros for Items (Cutscenes only)
- 문_본관1 - Main Building doors
- 문_손잡이01 - One of the Doors that you can't close and open
- 문_손잡이01a - One of the Doors that you can't close and open
- 문_손잡이02 - One of the Doors that you can't close and open
- 문_신관 - Mostly used for New Building door
- 문서 - Notes(Documents) look and get
- 보기용오브젝트 - Magazine and Newpaper at Reading Room, New Building
- 아이템_가사실열쇠 - Home Economics Room Key
- 아이템_금의문장 - Metal Amulet
- 아이템_나침판 - Compass
- 아이템_니뻐 - Wire Cutters after reaching the machine room
- 아이템_목의문장 - Wood Amulet
- 아이템_소방용수관벨브 - Valve
- 아이템_소방장치레버 - Fire Extinguisher Lever
- 아이템_수의문장 - Water Amulet
- 아이템_스프레이파스 - Insect Repellent
- 아이템_토의문장 - Earth Amulet
- 아이템_화의문장 - Fire Amulet
- 오브젝트_게시판06 - Bullet Board
- 오브젝트_공구상자 - Toolbox
- 오브젝트_괘종시계 - Grandfather Clock at the 2nd floor of Main Building 1.
- 오브젝트_그림 - Picture
- 오브젝트_그림1 - Picture description in hallway (Probably Interaction)
- 오브젝트_그림2 - Picture description in hallway (Probably Interaction)
- 오브젝트_그림3 - Picture description in hallway (Probably Interaction)
- 오브젝트_그림4 - Picture description in hallway (Probably Interaction)
- 오브젝트_그림5 - Picture description Related (Probably Interaction)
- 오브젝트_그림6 - Picture description in hallway (Probably Interaction)
- 오브젝트_그림7 - Picture description in hallway (Probably Interaction)
- 오브젝트_그림8- Picture description in hallway (Probably Interaction)
- 오브젝트_그림9 - Picture description in hallway (Probably Interaction)
- 오브젝트_그림10 - Picture description in hallway (Probably Interaction)
- 오브젝트_기계6 - Machines at Auditorium
- 오브젝트_냉장고 - Refrigerator in the Night Duty Room, Main Building 2
- 오브젝트_다이얼전화 - Dial Telephone in Faculty Office 1, Main Building 2
- 오브젝트_대형판넬 - Switches panel at Electrical Room, New Building
- 오브젝트_뚤린창살 - A perforated grille bar
- 오브젝트_버튼1스위치 - Classrooms Lights = Working or Broken
- 오브젝트_복도가스배출기 - Valve Pipe (Duct, Main Building 1)
- 오브젝트_복도배출돌리기 - Valve Pipe (Duct, Main Building 1)
- 오브젝트_복도천정등 - Ceiling Light
- 오브젝트_복사기 - Photocopier = Main Building 1 Map & Collectable Game Packages
- 오브젝트_사물함01 - Locker
- 오브젝트_사물함02 - Locker
- 오브젝트_사물함03 - Locker
- 오브젝트_서무실전원 - Main Building 1, Main office Power Box
- 오브젝트_소방용수관 - Water pipe for use in firefighting / Valve Handle = Trigger Cutscene
- 오브젝트_소방장치함 - Fire Extinguisher equipment box / Fire Extinguisher Lever = Trigger Cutscene
- 오브젝트_수의관문 - Water Amulet
- 오브젝트_열림-철재서류장 - 'Open - Document Cabinet' in P.E. Storage Room, Main Building 1
- 오브젝트_우_공상자 - (Right arrow) Ball Baskets in the P.E. Storage Room, Main Building 1
- 오브젝트_유저 - Players equipment effects / other things
- 오브젝트_의자01 - Chair
- 오브젝트_의자02 - Chair at the Faculty Office 1, Main Building 2
- 오브젝트_의자03 - Chair in front of Fire Shutter of 1st floor, Main Building 1
- 오브젝트_작업용사다리 - Holding the Ladder plus Janitor breaking it
- 오브젝트_적의잠금 - Red Key Card Lock
- 오브젝트_정숙팻말- "Quiet" Signs in the hallway
- 오브젝트_종이상자 - Cardboard box in Machine room (Workshop)
- 오브젝트_좌_공상자 - (Left arrow) Ball Baskets in the P.E. Storage Room, Main Building 1
- 오브젝트_지우개털이통 - The Furniture for dusting the chalkboard eraser
- 오브젝트_책상01 - Desks Drawer (There was a Fire Shutter Key in the drawer.)
- 오브젝트_철망 - Wire Net / Use the Wire Cutters on it
- 오브젝트_체육부금고 - Vault in the P.E. Storage Room, Main Building 1
- 오브젝트_체육선생님옷 - P.E's Teacher Clothes at the Nurse's Office = Dropped Key
- 오브젝트_층계구3-2 - Main Building Stair Level Sign (2~3 floor)
- 오브젝트_큰쓰레기통 - Trash bin / Coffee Can in the trash at the Main Building 1
- 오브젝트_피씨모니터01 - PC Monitor at Computer lab (Include 'old ver.' screen) / Printing and getting the Document
- 오브젝트_피씨본체01 - PC Console
- 오브젝트_학생부칠판 - Blackboard Code Puzzle at Student Department Office
- 오브젝트_환풍기 - Main Building 1 and 2 Toilet Fan
- 오브젝트_황의잠금 - Yellow Key Card Lock
- 지도 - Maps
- 캐릭터_나영 - Na-young
- 캐릭터_성아 - Seong-ah
- 캐릭터_소영 - So-young
- 캐릭터_수위 - Janitors
- 캐릭터_수위1 - Janitors
- 캐릭터_은미 - Eun-mi
- 캐릭터_주인공 - Main character (Playing as Hui-min)
- 캐릭터_지현 - Ji-hyeon
- 캐릭터_희민 - Hui-min
- 형체없는인간 - 'Unshaped human' (Ji-won's spirit_Presumed)
Character Models[]
Located in data/puppet/char includes characters and one or two ghosts and few unused models.
- e_나무아랫쪽고양이 = e_Cat under the Tree
- e_수위책장위에놓기 = e_Janitor, Place on the bookshelf (Principal's Office Event Scene)
- e_아기 = e_baby
- e_아기손 = e_baby hand
- e_아기얼굴 = e_baby face
- e캐릭터_때리는놈 = eCharacter_Beater (Janitor)
- e캐릭터_맞는놈 = eCharacter_A Person who is attacked (Event Scene in the duct_Down on the floor)
- 나영가리키기 = Pointing Na Young
- 노리군 = Norigun
- 때리는놈 = Beater (Janitor)
- 맞는놈 = A Person who is attacked (Event Scene in the duct_stand)
- 변신성아 = Seongah transformation
- 오프닝b-희민 = Opening b_huimin
- 천정귀신 = Ceiling Ghost (Spider Ghost)
- 캐릭터_고양이 = Character_Cat
- 캐릭터_나영 = Character_Nayoung
- 캐릭터_도플갱어 = Character_Doppleganger
- 캐릭터_성아 = Character_Seongah
- 캐릭터_소영 = Character_Soyoung
- 캐릭터_손수위 = Character_Janitor Son Dalsu
- 캐릭터_은미 = Character_Eunmi
- 캐릭터_음악선생 = Character_Music Teacher (At the flashback scene)
- 캐릭터_이수위 = Character_Janitor Lee Bong-gu
- 캐릭터_젊은은미 = Character_Young Eunmi
- 캐릭터_주인공 = Character_Hero (protagonist) main model for Lee Hui-min
- 캐릭터_지현 = Character_Jihyun
- 캐릭터_희민 = Character_huimin
- 캐릭터_희민(menu) = Character_huimin (menu) (prototype_Presumed)
- 캐릭터_희민(copy) = Character_huimin (copy) (prototype_Presumed)
- 해부마네킹 = Mannequin
- 형체없는인간 = 'Unshaped human' (Ji-won's spirit_Presumed)
Event Models[]
Located in data/puppet/event and mostly used for events like the tree ghost, hee-jin or other things.
- e_2d귀신 = e_2d Ghost ('Woman in the closet' Image)
- e_가시 = e_thorn (Skill of the Doppleganger)
- e_그림자 = e_shadow (Place of Na-young's event_Presumed)
- e_나무심장 = e_Tree heart
- e_나무아랫쪽 = e_Tree lower part
- e_나무윗쪽 = e_Tree upper part
- e_나무줄기 = e_Tree trunk (Tree upper part without some branch)
- e_목귀신 = e_Tree ghost
Object Models[]
Located in data/puppet/obj and mostly used for objects or scene objects.
Sound files[]
Located in data/sound contains soundtracks, dialogues, voices and sound effect and has various subdirectories.
- data/sound
- @여우야_루프 = Fox Spirit Song Loop ("여우야! 여우야! 뭐하니?"~ "Yeo-u-ya! yeo-u-ya! mwo hani?"~ / Fox Fox What're you doing?) Include Last part
- 1 = Gayageum sound effect
- cd떨어지는소리 = Sound of CD falling on the floor
- cd삽입 = CD tray close
- cd열기 = CD tray open
- cd치는소리 = The sound of the CD tray hitting something
- 귀신비명 = Ghost scream (??)
- 귀신접근중 = Ghost approach (Haunted Head Ghost)
- 귀신목소리 = Ghost voice (HHD): Where are you? (Main Building 2)
- 귀신공격01 = Ghost attack 1 (HHD): *Laugh*
- 귀신공격02 = Ghost attack 2 (HHD): Did you think that if you hide over there, I wouldn't know? (When Crouched)
- 나영웃음 = Na-young laughs (unused)
- 패닉 = Hidden Sound effect (Whispering sound)
- 회사안내 = Company announcement message / Telephone Easter Egg
- data/sound/bgm
- 배경음03 = Bgm03 (Windsound)
- 본관2_빗소리 = Main Building 2_Rain sound
- 본관2_빗소리s = Main Building 2_Rain sound small
- 스탭롤 = Staff Roll(?)
- 신관_비와천둥 = New Building_ Rain & Thunder sound
- data/sound/damage
- 구르기_데미지 = Rolling sound_Damage
- 귀신_데미지 = Damage to Hee-jin and The Tree Ghost
- 나무_데미지 = Damage from Tree ghost
- 따귀_데미지 = Cheek_Damage
- 떨_데미지 = Damage when you fall
- 모기_데미지 = Mosquito_Damage
- 발_데미지 = Foot_Damage
- 방망이_데미지01 = Bat_Damage01
- 방망이_데미지02 = Bat_Damage02
- 방망이_데미지03 = Bat_Damage03
- 벽_데미지01 = A Sound hitting the wall 1
- 벽_데미지02 = A Sound hitting the wall 2
- 불_데미지a = Burning sound_a
- 불_데미지b = Burning sound_b
- 불_데미지c = Burning sound_c
- 아크_데미지 = (Electric)Arc_Damage
- 칼_데미지01 =Stabbing sound by knife01
- 칼_데미지02 =Stabbing sound by knife02
- 피_데미지 = A sound that put out the fire (??)
- data/sound/effect
- camera_close
- camera_close2
- 거미줄 = Spider web
- 심장01 = Heartbeat01
- 심장02 = Heartbeat02
- 심장03 = Heartbeat03
- 심장04 = Heartbeat04
- 심장05 = Heartbeat05
- 아크발사 = (Electric)Arc firing
- 아크방전 = (Electric)Arc discharge
- 아크튕기기 = (Electric)Arc bouncing
- 호흡 = Breathing
- 호흡2 = Breathing2
- data/sound/enemy
- 사다리타격01 = A sound that strikes a ladder01
- 사다리타격02 = A sound that strikes a ladder02
- 수위_걷기 = Janitor_Walk
- 수위_끙1 = Janitor_groan1
- 수위_달리기 = Janitor_Run
- 수위_빨리걷기 =Janitor_Fastwalk
- 수위_숨쉬기 = Janitor_Breathing
- 수위_숨쉬기2 = Janitor_Breathing2
- 수위_스윙1 = Janitor_Swing1 (attack 1)
- 수위_스윙2 = Janitor_Swing2 (attack 2)
- 수위_열쇠소리 = Janitor (key sound)
- 수위_웃음1 = Janitor (laugh 1)
- 수위_웃음2 = Janitor (laugh 2)
- 수위_음(누구냐) = Janitor ('who is it?')
- 수위_음(놓쳤다제길) = Janitor ('I missed it')
- 수위_음(아무도없군) = Janitor ('No one is here')
- 수위_호루라기 = Janitor_Whistle sound
- data/sound/event/
- 귀신울음소리 = Ghost Cry sound? (Same as under but long)
- 3층복도애기 = Baby sound at 3rd floor hallway
- 4층복도애기 = Baby sound at 4th floor hallway
- 고양이 = Cat sound
- data/sound/event/거미소녀 (Spider Girl)
- 거미_나타남 = Spider_Appears
- 거미_데미지 = Spider_Damage
- 거미_도망 = Spider_Run away
- 거미_벽부딪힘 = Spider_Bump in to a wall
- 거미_사라짐 = Spider_Disappears
- 거미_올리기 = Spider_uplifting
- 거미_이동1 = Spider_Move1
- 거미_이동2 = Spider_Move2
- 교실벽 = Classroom wall (Bumped sound)
- data/sound/event/데빌맵 (Devil map)
- 데빌맵_루프 = Devil map_roop (BGM roop)
- 돌떨어지기a = The sound of the floor block collapsing_a
- 돌떨어지기b = The sound of the floor block collapsing_b
- 돌떨어지기c = The sound of the floor block collapsing_c
- 성아절규 = Seong-ah's scream
- 통로_루프 = Passage_roop (Sound effects heard when you reach a goal)
- data/sound/event/목이벤트 (Tree event)
- 귀신이동 = Ghost Movement (Hee-jin and The Tree Ghost)
- 귀신bgm = The Tree Ghost BGM (Unused?)
- 귀신_울음 = The Tree Ghost Cry? (Same as above but short)
- 나무괴물고통 = The Tree Ghost pain
- 나무괴물죽음1 = The Tree Ghost dead
- 나무알 = The Tree Ghost's large sacs(egg)
- 약품 = The sound of Chemical Solvent being sprayed
- 피뿌리기 = The sound of blood being sprayed
- data/sound/event/본관귀신 (Main Building Ghost)
- 귀신bgm = Ghost BGM (Na-young event scene)
- 기어올때 = Ghost BGM (When Na-young crawls)
- 놀람 = Ghost BGM (Jump Scare Scene)
- 울음루프 = Crying sound Loop (The Sound near the Gym Storage Room before the Na-young's event)
- data/sound/item
- data/sound/macro
- 나영울음 = Na-young Cry (unused)?
- 나영울음2 = Na-young Cry 2
- 플래쉬 = Flashback sound
- 칼이벤트 = Knife event_Sounds like one of the girls talking and running away from ghosts, scissor sound or The sound of someone wielding a knife (like Eun-mi's).
Maybe It is an event that Eun-mi appears in the Science Supplies Room (Unused?) - 절름수위 = Janitor chases Lee Hui-min (first encounter / Janitor introduction scene).
- 엔딩소영비명 = So-young ending death scream (Maybe, The bgm of the ending that occurs when the guards attack So-young and she falls)
- 아기_종료 = Baby exit (Baby's laugh when the Diary Keeper's Baby event is finished)
- data/sound/menu
- data/sound/movie
- data/sound/voice
- 나영01 = Na-young 01 "Where Are You?" Same as HHD. (unused)
- 나영02 = Na-young 02 "Where Are You?" Same as HHD. (unused)
- 나영03 = Na-young 03 "Where Are You?" Same as HHD. (unused)
- 나영04 = Na-young 04 "Did you think that if you hide over there I wouldn't know?" Same line as HHD but different voice actor (unused)
- 해피엔딩_소영 = Happy Ending_So-young (So-young speech from happy ending [White Chrysanthemum])
- data/sound/walk
Map files[]
Located in data/map contains maps for the game and the scrapped multiplayer mode, the textures folder/directory contains textures used for the game, with most textures inside whiteday.wad and few ones outside of it (the ones outside can overwrite the ones inside).
- data/map
- 15sec.bsp = ??
- a_type.bsp = Opening scene ( School garden where a Lee Hui-min meets Han So-young and Seol Ji-hyun )
- b_type.bsp = Opening cut scene (Before entering the school at night.)
- devil.bsp = (Maybe) The Labyrinth collapsing (Where you get Dandelion / White Chrysanthemum / Hyacinth ending)
- goodbye.bsp = Hyacinth Ending cutscene (School at the morning)
- gym.bsp = Auditorium-Gymnasium
- last.bsp = The Labyrinth
- main1.bsp = Main Building, Section 1
- main2.bsp = Main Building, Section 2
- new.bsp = New Building
- multi_test.bsp = multi test map(??)
- haunted1f.bsp = Haunted(Deserted) house (scrapped Multiplayer Mode mode)
- Oilbank.bsp = Gas station (scrapped Multiplayer Mode mode)
- train-chw02.bsp =Train / Subway (scrapped Multiplayer Mode mode)
- data/map/minimap
- data/map/texture