{{Infobox character
|name=Seol Ji-hyeon
|image =

|localization =
*Ji-hyeon Seol (English)
*Tominaga Hikari
(富永 ひかり) - JPN ver.
|hangul = 설지현
|birth = 1985
|gender = Female
|blood =
|race = Korean
|occupation= High School Student
|health =
|level =
|status = Alive
|first= White Day (Original)
|last= White Day (Remake)
|voice=Original :
Ahn Joo-hyeon (안주현)[1]
Remake :
* KOR : Lee So-eun
(이소은) [2]
* ENG : Kate Bristol
* JPN : Kakuma Ai (加隈 亜衣)
Seol Ji-hyeon (설지현), also known as "Amy" or "Glasses Girl", is a student in Yeondu High School.
She is a shy, timid and very curious girl due to her asking questions since her first appearance.
No mention in the game is made about Ji-hyeon's relatives or background.
Not much is known about Ji-hyeon's background except as a friend of So-young's. However, the reason she came to school that night is slightly unnerving.
Ji-hyeon claims that she came to school that night because So-yeong told her to over the phone the same day. However, when Ji-hyeon and So-yeong finally meet in Main Building Area 2, So-yeong wonders why Ji-hyeon came, having no recollection of calling Ji-hyeon. Seong-ah was originally due to use Ji-hyeon as a collector for the amulets, but due to her timid nature, and being afraid of revealing too much information, she instead turned her attention towards the new and clueless student, Hui-min.
As the game progresses, she loses the trust of So-yeong and Seong-ah and often parts from the others, spending most of her time alone in the school.
- "But you called me and asked me to come here...?"
- "I called you? What are you talking about?"
- "It was definitely your voice, So-yeong."
- —The first conversation between Ji-hyeon and So-yeong.
Skipping ahead toward the very end of the game, these lines are said (during a flash-back):
- "Hello Na-yeong? It's Seong-ah."
- "Na-yeong? No, it's So-yeong here."
- "Wow, So-yeong. You two sound very similar on the phone. Can I talk to Na-yeong?"
- —A conversation over the phone between So-yeong and Seong-ah years before the game is set.
This must mean that Na-young called Ji-hyeon from the dead, at 10 o'clock at night, to meet her at school. Ji-hyeon mistook her for So-yeong on the phone and left, only to find Seong-ah there and run into So-yeong later by chance.
==Further Notes==

Myung-suk (Ji-hyeon)
*Ji-hyeon was originally known as Myung-suk (Alternatively : Meyong-Sook) in the first build of White Day, known as White Day: Blood Festival. Her head textures remain in the final game (Labyrinth) and the full textures are on White Day: A Ghost School Tragedy.
*In White Day: A Ghost School Tragedy, she was also meant to have experienced the school fire with Mi-suk, who is now only known in a Ghost Story note in the version we know today.
*It is a possibility that she was somehow related with Mi-Suk in the original beta version since she is involved in the accident that killed Mi-Suk in White Day: A Ghost School Tragedy, and that her name was actually "Myung-Suk / Myeong-Sook" in White Day: Blood Festival.
*If the player annoys her by touching her skirt (or leg) multiple times, she will kick Hee-Min and he will take damage. That damage is quite powerful.
And the affinity score to her is greatly reduce.
*In the NDC 2012, White Day's former game director says The personalities of three female students in White Day: A Labyrinth Named School have motif to The Characters of Neon Genesis Evangelion.
Ji-hyeon's personality was the motif of the personality of 'Shinji' .
- ↑ She was an amateur voice actress at the time, now is not the voice actress.
- ↑ Wikipedia (Kor) 이소은 (성우), Lee So-eun(Voice actress)
<ac_metadata title="Message from Seol-Ji"> </ac_metadata>