Mobile Universe
(White Day Mobile (2009) Continuity)

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The Reversed Child (Hangul: 돌아 앉은 아이 ) is an exclusive document found in the Mobile version of White Day: A Labyrinth Named School (2009).
It details the story of Mi-suk.
The Reversed Child A child who turns around While doing a chemistry experiment on a hot summer day, Immature suffers a big burn on his face due to a sudden earthquake. Immature, who was usually timid and soft-hearted, was pessimistic about her melted face after treatment and called suicide. You choose the extreme method. From then on, rumors began to circulate that ghosts appeared in the classroom late at night. The ghost sits with his back on the classroom desk and humbles an unknown song and sees the man who saw his ugly face. It is said to lead to death. It is difficult to conclude that the ghost is immature, but it is said that when he meets the ghost, he quietly withdraws when he sings a song he liked in his lifetime.
Another Translation with Google
While conducting a chemical experiment on a hot summer day, Mi-sook suffered severe burns to her face due to a sudden earthquake sending the corrosive chemicals everywhere.
Mi-sook, who was usually timid and soft-minded, became pessimistic about her melted face after treatment and decided to go with an extreme method to deal with it. She decided to commit suicide.
After that, rumors began to circulate that a ghost would appear in classrooms late at night.
The ghost is said to sit at a desk in a classroom with its back turned, humming an unknown song. When someone manages to catch a glimpse of her ugly, scared face, it is said to lead to death.
It is difficult to conclude that the ghost is immature, but if you meet the ghost and play the song that Misook loved while she was alive, it is said that she quietly walks away.
돌아 앉은 아이
무더운 어느 여름날 화학실험을 하던 미숙은 갑작스럽게 발생한 지진 때문에 얼굴에 큰 화상을 입게된다.
평소에도 소심하고 마음이 여렸던 미숙은 치료가 끝난 자신의 녹아버린 얼굴을 비관하여 자살이라는
극단적인 방법을 선택하게 된다. 그 후부터 늦은 밤 교실애 귀신이 나타난다는 소문이 돌기 시작한다.
그 귀신은 교실 책상에 등을 보이고 앉아 알 수없는 노래를 흥얼거리다가 자신의 흉측한 얼굴을 본 사람을
죽음으로 몰아 간다고 한다.
그 귀신이 미숙이라고 단정짓기는 어렵지만 그 귀신을 만나면 미숙이가 생전에 좋아하던 노래를 들려주면
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