Mobile Universe
(White Day Mobile (2009) Continuity)

This is an example image
The Ghost of Ceiling (Hangul: 천장의 귀신 ) is an exclusive document found in the Mobile version of White Day: A Labyrinth Named School (2009).
It details the story of Spider Ghost.
The Ghost of Ceiling
(Translated with Google, Probably not accurate)
In class 10, there was a child named Yeongju who looked rather beautiful with her long straight hair.
Young-joo had a problem she couldn't tell anyone, but it was that she fell in love with a boy named Chae-min in the next class.
Due to her timid personality, her emotions, which she could not express, gradually accumulated until she becomes obsessive. Her symptoms got worse day by day, and she becomes obsessed with the scent of the man's body.
However, when Chae-min, who had a crush, refused to respond to Yeong-joo's advances and tried to avoid her, Yeong-joo was shocked.
Chae-min makes the extreme choice of suicide to escape her in the end.
After that, late at night in the 10th class, someone is seen hung upside down from the ceiling and letting their long hair hang down.
The people who have witnessed this being have noted that it is always crying sadly within the darkness.
천장의 귀신
10반에는 긴 생머리가 잘 어울리는 영주라는 아이가 있었다.
영주는 남에게 말 못할 고민이 있었는데 그것은 바로 옆 반의 채민이라는 남학생을 짝 사랑하게 된 것이다.
소심한 성격 덕분에 표현을 하지 못한 그의 감정은 점점 쌓여만 가다가 결국엔 집착증세까지 이르게 된다.
그녀의 증세는 나날이 심해져 그 남자 몸에서 풍기던 유채꽃 냄새에까지 집착을 보이게 된다.
하지만 좋아하는 사람이 있던 채민은 영주의 향동에 거부반응을 보이며 피하려 하자 그에 충격을 받은 영주는
채민에게 보란 듯이 자살이라는 극단적인 선택을 하게 된다.
그 후부터 늦은 밤 10반 교실에서는 누군가가 천장에 거꾸로 매달려 긴 머리카락을 늘어트리고