In the game, you can hear a message when you call a specific number or if you receive a call after a certain time.
White Day: A Labyrinth Named School (Original ver)[]
When you make a call to the 7320 in the Music Room, you can hear a recorded company announcement message.
7320 is the last four digits of the Sonnori's old phone number.[1]
Thank you for calling.
This is Sonnori Co., Ltd.
Today's Our Work has ended or is being prepared.
주식회사 손노리 입니다.
금일 업무는 종료되었거나 업무 준비 중 입니다.
The School: White Day (Remake ver)[]
After using the Earth Token and return to Faculty Office 1, you can receive the phone call about a recorded company announcement message like a Original ver.