The School: White Day Wiki
The School: White Day Wiki

In the game, you can hear a message when you call a specific number or if you receive a call after a certain time.

White Day: A Labyrinth Named School (Original ver)[]

When you make a call to the 7320 in the Music Room, you can hear a recorded company announcement message.

7320 is the last four digits of the Sonnori's old phone number.[1]


Thank you for calling.
This is Sonnori Co., Ltd.
Today's Our Work has ended or is being prepared.

Please, Contact during the next Office hours.

주식회사 손노리 입니다.
금일 업무는 종료되었거나 업무 준비 중 입니다.

다음 업무 시간에 전화 주십시요.

The School: White Day (Remake ver)[]

After using the Earth Token and return to Faculty Office 1, you can receive the phone call about a recorded company announcement message like a Original ver.

