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Scribbled Note is a document White Day: A Labyrinth Named School (Remake) . It details the instructions for the Safe at Gym Storage Room.
It is exclusive to the remake version.
It is found in Gym Storage Room on the 2nd floor of Main Building, Section 1.
Scribbled Note
Left then right, right then left.
??-??-??-?? (Random)
Don't wear a hat when seeing the school nurse.
휘갈겨 쓴 메모
까먹지 말자!
왼쪽 다음엔 오른쪽, 오른쪽 다음엔 왼쪽.
??-??-??-?? (Random)
양호선생님과 만날 땐, 모자를 쓰지 말자.
Mot gribouillé
N’oublie pas !
Gauche puis droite, droite puis gauche.
??-??-??-?? (Hasard)
Ne porte pas de chapeau quand tu vas voir l’infirmière.
Further Note[]
- In the Original ver, Instructions for the Safe existed in other documents : P.E. Class Plans, Announcement on P.E. Storage bulletin board and Safe Unlock Code.
- A Note from the Class President ( In the Original; Cleaner's Memo ) has a Clue about the safe's passcode.
- The number at middle of the document ( Marked part; '??' ) are listed randomly during the four numbers.