Principal's Office is a Room located in Main Building, Section 2 of Yeondu High School.
This office is a space for the office work of Principal.
To enter this office, you need to find out the password.
The hint of the password's location is given in the "Faculty Note" document. (In the Remake )
More information about the Principal's Office Password is given in the "Student Department Office page".
- In the Original, you can find it, when you open the desk's drawer.
- In the Remake, it is same process but it has a prerequisite.
It would solve the puzzle on the left side of office desk. Check the pattern on the other side and when is matched with the same pattern at the left side, you can open the drawer.
Further Notes[]
- In the Remake, you can acquire the Wooden Handle at this room.
- CCTV monitors shows in that ingame place real time. [ Except event scene ] (Original ver)