'PM 10:23' is a 'Yoo Ji-min's text message' in White Day: A Labyrinth Named School (Remake).
It is exclusive to the PC/PS4 remake version.
You can see this message when you play the 'Yoo Ji-min' route.
It is found in the Messages Menu. (Mobile Phone - Gameplay element feature)
I guess a new semester starts soon.
I'm going to be at your school entrance ceremory.
I met your friend back in middle school.
She was so pretty. But you're way prettier.
I can't stop thinking of you.
곧 학기가 시작하겠구나...
입학식에는 꼭 올라가야 할 텐데...
어제는 지민이 증학교 때 친구 만났어...
걔 엄청 예뻐졌더라...
우리 지민이 보다 한참 못하지만...