'PM 10:10' is a 'Yoo Ji-min's text message' in White Day: A Labyrinth Named School (Remake).
It is exclusive to the PC/PS4 remake version.
You can see this message when you play the 'Yoo Ji-min' route.
It is found in the Messages Menu. (Mobile Phone - Gameplay element feature)
It's raining hard here.
I was hoping for warmer weather, but it's cold again.
I know you like the cold but try to stay warm.
I love you.
여긴 비가 많이 온다.
좀 따뜻해 지나 싶더니... 다시 춥네...
추운 거 좋아한다고 남 춥게 입지 말고
행복하게 보내렴.
사랑하는 내 딸