The School: White Day Wiki
The School: White Day Wiki
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Notice (Auditorium) is a document White Day: A Labyrinth Named School.
It details the info of Location of the Fire Extinguishers.

It is exclusive to the original version.


It is found in the wall near the Soybean Milk Vending Machine on the Second floor of Auditorium.



Notice (Auditorium)

We are in the process of replacing the old fire extinguishers in the auditorium.

The remaining fire extinguishers are Type-A fire extinguishers in the auditorium hall, Type-B fire extinguishers in the men's locker room, and Type-C fire extinguishers in the women's locker room.

We will soon be supplementing the fire extinguishers.


현재 강당의 오래된 소화기를 교체 작업 중입니다.
남아있는 소화기는 강당 홀의 A형 소화기, 남자 탈의실의 B형 소화기, 여자 탈의실의 C형 소화기 입니다.

빠른 시간내에 소화기를 보충할 예정입니다.

Further Notes[]

