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'Note in the Janitor's Mailbox' is a note that is found in Janitor's Mailbox of 2nd Floor lobby near the Hiking Club in Yeondu High School.
It details the information of Classroom Master Key ( Original ) / Main Building 1 Auditorium Passageway Key ( Remake ).
The official localized English transcript is not yet present. Please add it.
Note in the Janitor's Mailbox
Look Mr. Sohn.
I've temporarily locked the second floor lobby's door because some of the kids are sneaking into the Auditorium passage way that's been shut down.
If you need the key, you can find it in the key bos at the Main Office.
순찰함의 메모
손수위 보게..
동아리방 학생들이 폐쇄해 둔 강당 연결통로를 몰래 이용하고 있어, 2층 현관문을 임시로 잠궈놨네.
혹시 열쇠가 필요하면 서무실 열쇠 보관함에 있으니 사용하게.
Note dans la boîte aux lettres du gardien
Cher M. Sohn,
J’ai temporairement fermé la polie au hall d’entrée du premier étage car certains élèves s’amusent à s’introduire dans le corridor de l’amphithéâtre, qui a été condamné.
Si vous avez besoin de la clé, elle est dans la boîte à clés du bureau principal.
Further Note[]
- In the Original, This article cannot be taken. (You can only read it).