The School: White Day Wiki
The School: White Day Wiki
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Music Book Notes is a note White Day: A Labyrinth Named School.
It details the info of 'Playing a music on the Dial pad'.

It is exclusive to the original version.


It is found in Music Room on the 3rd floor of Main Building, Section 2.



Music Book Notes

Title:Musical Telephone
Sender:Martin Lee
Date:03-11 10:59 / Views:216 / Recommendation:5 | 1/1

I'm reposting because there might be people who still don't know about this. If you feel depressed, try this out....

1.Mary Had a Little Lamb
3212333 222399 3212333 22321

2.Ring Ring - Please Go away ( Bicycle [자전거] - Korean Children's song )
399 399 ##### 9999 6666 33333
3993 99# #3396 6663 333 22991

3.School Bell ( [학교종]- Korean Children's song )
99## 993 99332 99## 993 93231

9939 #6 1 9939 ##6#

You see, Some of the numbers on the telephone are connected to notes on a piano. You press a key, the piano plays a note..

1C 2D 3E
4 5 6F
7 8 9G

★ 0 #A

음악노트의 쪽지

제목:전화로 노래연주~
03-11 10:59 조회수:216 추천:5 | 1/1

이거 모르는 분들도 있는것 같아 다시 올릴께요 기분이 울적하다면 노래한번 해보세요~ 반주도하면서.....

1.떴다 떴다 비행기
3212333 222399 3212333 22321

2. 따르릉 따르릉 비켜나세요...
399 399 ##### 9999 6666 33333
3993 99# #3396 6663 333 22991

3.학교종이 땡땡땡...
99## 993 99332 99## 993 93231

4.보라돌이 뚜비 나나 뽀 텔레토비 텔레토비
9939 #6 1 9939 ##6#

전화 번호랑 계이름이 매치된대요...

1C 2D 3E
4 5 6F
7 8 9G

★ 0 #A

Informações sobre o Livro de Música

Título: Telefone Musical
Remetente: Martin Lee
Data:03/11 às 10:59 / Visualizações:216 / Recomendações:5 | 1/1

Estou republicando pois podem haver pessoas que ainda não saibam sobre isso. Se você se sentir deprimido, experimente...

1.Mary tinha um pequeno cordeiro
3212333 222399 3212333 22321

2.Ring Ring - Por favor vá emora ( Bicicleta[자전거] - Música infantil Coreana)
399 399 ##### 9999 6666 33333
3993 99# #3396 6663 333 22991

3.Sino escolar ( [학교종]- Música infantil Coreana)
99## 993 99332 99## 993 93231

9939 #6 1 9939 ##6#

Veja, alguns dos números do telefone estão conectados às notas de um piano. Pressione uma tecla, e o piano toca a nota.

1C 2D 3E 4 5 6F 7 8 9G

★ 0 #A

Further Notes[]

  • This note is clue about the password of Music Supplies Room.
    You should use the telephone and piano Keyboard at Music Room.
  • In the Remake, The Puzzle in the Music Room is changed, So this note doesn't appear.
  • In the S.Korea, 'Mary Had a Little Lamb' was modified title & lyrics ( 비행기 - Airplane ) and introduced in 7-80 years ago.

