Key Cards (Hangul: 카드 키 ) are used to open doors of a corresponding color in the New Building of Yeondu High School.
Yellow Keycard[]
Found on the School Model Exhibit in the History Room, 1st floor New Building.
Can be used to access the following rooms:
- Language Lab
- Art Studio
- 2nd floor hallway's door
- Dance Studio
Red Keycard[]
Found in the mirror of Dance Studio, 1st floor.
Can be used to access the following rooms:
- Library 1 (Library A)
- Computer Lab
- Reading Room
- Resource Center
Blue Keycard[]
Acquired from Ji-won after a cut-scen, at the Language Lab, 2nd floor.
Can be used to access the following rooms:
- 1st floor hallway's door
- Earth Science Lab
- (Electrical) Control Room