Gym Storage room ( P.E. Storage Room ) is a Room located in Main Building, Section 1 of Yeondu High School.
This Room is a storage space for the storing the Gym supplies as the title suggests. The Gym Storage room likely supplies equipment to the Yeondu High School/Auditorium.
In order to access the Gym Storage room, you must acquire the Classroom Master Key. (Main Building 1 Master Key in the Remake ver.)
The Chemical Solvent is found in the safe in the Gym Storage room.
More information about the Password of a safe are given in "Cleaner's Memo" (A Note from the Class President in the Remake ver.), "Gym Class Plans", "Announcement on Gym Storage bulletin board" and "Safe Unlock Code" (Scribbled Note in the Remake ver.).
Further Notes[]
- You can acquire the following items in this room:
<[ Typewriter M Button (Remake only), One of the Collectable Game Packages(Original only) >