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Fire Safety Inspection Result is a document White Day: A Labyrinth Named School (Remake).
It details the info of Fire Extinguishers & Valve Handle.
It is exclusive to the remake version.
It is found in Projection Booth on the 2nd floor of Auditorium of Yeondu High School.
Fire Safety Inspection Result
Inspection Location: Yeondu High School's Auditorium
Inspection Date: 03-10-2001
Placement of Fire Extinguishers (Total of 3)
Fire Extinguisher, Type-A: At the back of the Auditorium.
Fire Extinguisher, Type-B: Boy's Locker Room, 1st Floor
Fire Extinguisher, Type-C: Girl's Locker Room, 1st Floor
Sprinkler Maintenance Inspection: Some pipes are leaking
The sprinkler pipe in the green room is leaking and is under repair.
소방 시설 점검 결과
점검 대상 : 연두고교 강당
점검 일자 : 2001. 3. 10.
소화기 비치 현황 (총 3개)
A형 소화기 : 강당 중앙 홀 뒤쪽
B형 소화기 : 1층 남자 탈의실
C형 소화기 : 1층 여자 탈의실
스프링클러 장비 점검 결과 : 일부 배관에서 누수 발생
무대 대기실의 스프링클러 배관에 누수가 발생하여 후속 조치 중입니다.
Résultats de l’inspection de prévention des incendies
Site inspecté : Amphithéâtre du lycée Yéondu
Date d’inspection : 03.10.2001
Emplacement des extincteurs (3 au total)
Extincteurs de classe A : à l’arrière de l’amphithéâtre
Extincteurs de classe B : vestiaire des garçons, RDC
Extincteurs de classe C : vestiaire des filles, RDC
Inspection des gicleurs : certains tuyaux ont des fuites.
Le tuyau du gicleur de la salle verte a une fuite, il est en réparation.
Further Note[]
- In the Original ver, Info of the Fire Extinguishers existed in the other document : Gym Announcement
- The Location of 'Fire Extinguisher, Type-A' is in the back of the Main hall of the 'Auditorium & Gymnasium'.