Faculty Note is a document in White Day: A Labyrinth Named School. It details the data of Principal's Office Passcode & Student Department Office Key
In the Original ver, It is found on the bulletin board in the "Teacher's Lounge"(Faculty Office 1) in Main Building Section 2 of Yeondu High School.
In the Remake ver, It is found in Faculty Office 1 of Main Building, Section 2 of Yeondu High School.
Announcement to the teachers on night duty The official localized English transcript is not yet present. Please add it.
공지사항: 야근 또는 숙직하시는 교사에게 알려드립니다.
교장선생님께서는 본인이 부재중일 때 외부인이 교장실 출입하는 것을 싫어하십니다.
그런데 얼마전에 교장실의 전자식 자물쇠의 비밀번호가 유출된듯 싶습니다.2015[]
Faculty Note
Attention: All teachers working night Shifts.
The Passcode to the principal's Office has been changed due to a recent leak
of the previous Passcode.
The Passcode is on the chalkboard in the Student Department Office, written With a piece of special chalk that is invisible under fluorescent light.
The Principal does not approve of others entering his office while he's away. Please, use the passcode only in cases of emergencies or special circumstances.
/ Vice Principal Sang-moon Lee of Yeondu High School /
Note to the gym teacher:
Please make sure to return the Student Department office Key when your shift is over.
You have a habit of leaving the key inside your gym jacket pocket ; making it difficult for the next shift to take over.
교무실 공지사항
숙직하시는 선생님들에게 알려 드립니다.
얼마 전 교장실 전자자물쇠의 비밀번호가 유출되어 변경하였습니다.
비밀번호는 전기불빛에는 보이지 않는 특수 분필로 학생부실 칠판에 기록해 두었습니다.
교장선생님께서는 본인이 부재중일 때 다른 사람이 교장실에 출입하는 것을 싫어하시니, 긴급 상황이거나 특별한 용무가 있는 분만 사용하시기 바랍니다.
추신. 체육 선생님께
체육 선생님은 당직 후 학생부실 열쇠를 꼭 제자리에 반납해주시기 바랍니다.
매번 체육복 상의 주머니에 넣어놓고 퇴근하시는 바람에 다음 당직에게 제대로 인수인계가 되질 않고 있습니다.
Avis aux professeurs
À l’attention de : tous les professeurs de l’équipe de nuit.
Le code d’accès au bureau du proviseur a été modifié, car le précédent code a fuité.
Le nouveau code d’accès est écrit sur le tableau du bureau des étudiants, avec une craie spéciale et invisible sous des néons.
Le proviseur n’apprécie pas que l’on entre dans son bureau lorsqu’il n’est pas là. Merci de n’utiliser le code d’accès qu’en cas d’urgence ou de situation exceptionnelle.
Sang-moon Lee, vice-proviseur du lycée Yéondu
Note à l’attention du professeur de sport :
N’oubliez pas de rendre la clé du bureau des étudiants quand vous terminez le travail.
Vous avez la mauvaise habitude de laisser la clé dans la poche de votre veste de sport, ce qui empêche l’équipe suivante de prendre le relais.
Further Notes[]
- More information of the Principal's Office Passcode is written in the Student Department Office article.
- In the Original, this note cannot be taken as it is attached to the bulletin-board (You can only read it).
- The localization for the remake moved the family name for all characters to the end, the vice principal name is actually Lee Sang-moon who is also mentioned in other documents which were in the original version too.