Facility Maintenance Request Slip is a document White Day: A Labyrinth Named School (Remake).
It details the info of The creaking noise from the hallway in front of the Music Room.
It is exclusive to the remake version.
It is found in Main Office on the first floor of Main Building, Section 1 of Yeondu High School.
Facility Maintenance Request Slip
Facility Maintenance Request Slip
Submitted by: Facility Office Head Teacher
Requested to: Facility Maintenance Department
There's a creaking noise coming from the third floor hallway in front of the Music Room in the Main Building 2. (We suspect the wooden boards are worn out)
It is urgent that the board is repaired as quickly as possible.
시설 보수 요청서
시설 보수 요청서
발신 : 교무주임
수신 : 시설관리부서
본관2구역의 3층 음악실 앞 복도에서 삐걱거리는 소리 발생
(나무판자 노후로 인한 소음으로 추정)
Bordereau de demande d’entretien des locaux
Bordereau de demande d’entretien des locaux
Demande du : Professeur responsable du secrétariat
Demande faite au : Département d’entretien des locaux
Demande :
Un grincement provient du couloir au deuxième étage du bâtiment 2 qui se trouve devant la salle de musique (l’on pense que les planches du parquet sont usées).
Elles risquent de se détacher complètement, mettant en danger les élèves.
Further Notes[]
- This document is a clue to Some item.