- This article is about difficulty settings found in White Day: A Labyrinth Named School and it's Remake.

Original (Fan Translation Patch)
There are multiple game modes to choose from that change the difficulty of the game.
- Very Easy (Wang Easy)
- Added in patch 1.10
- Easier with the fewest scares
- Haunted Head Ghost removed
- Brightness increased
- Plentiful items
- Mobile Phone hints
- Janitor's AI is less intelligent
- Some endings are unattainable
- Almost Infinite stamina
- Easy
- Easier with fewer scares
- Haunted Head Ghost removed
- Brightness slightly increased
- Janitor is slightly more intelligent
- Some endings are unattainable
- Mobile Phone hints
- No dizziness
- Normal
- Just right, so you can get the most out of White Day
- Haunted Head Ghost is present
- All endings are available
- Mobile Phone hints not present
- Even if you open the menu, it proceeds in real time.
- If you clear the White Chrysanthemum ending, the Alternate skin & Custom Skin menu opens.
- Hard ( Available upon completion of Normal mode )
- More difficult
- Ghosts are more restless
- Area is much darker
- Janitor can kill you in fewer hits
- No pen ( No saving )
- Much easier to run out of stamina
- Fewer coins
- Fewer health items
- Time limit ( Time Limit from In-game to 12 midnight [ Real time ] )
- Janitor's AI is very intelligent ( The Detection range of Janitor is strengthened )
- Real ( Wang Real ) ( Available upon completion of Normal mode )
- Added in patch 1.10
- Most difficult with the greatest amount of scares
- A black fog is present, which inhibits player visibility
- Janitor can kill you in fewer hits
- Much easier to run out of stamina
- Time limit ( Time Limit from In-game to 12 midnight [ Real time ] )
- No pen ( No saving )
- No Janitor's Cooldown time
- The janitor's AI is much more intelligent than that of Hard mode ( The Detection range of Janitor is significantly strengthened )
- (Most other Hard mode features apply here)

Remake - Mobile Ver. (Korean)

- Very Easy [ Wang Easy ]
- This is suitable for people who want enjoy the game without much difficulty.
- You can run away from janitor more easily compared to the other difficulties.
- Easy
- Less thrills, but more easy to play.
- You can receive phone messages as hints
- Normal
- A balanced difficulty.
- You can solve a hidden puzzles and collect ghost stories.
- Hard
- You can enjoy the thrills of the game in a harder difficulty.
- You can encounter the hidden ghosts in school
- Hell [ Wang(King) Real ]
- There are no saves, but a pen with 'the ability to retry when the game is over' is usable.
- Improvement of Janitors AI compared to hard mode
- Hidden items appeared
- Janitors notification icons do not appear.
- Beacons for Items do not appear
- Collection Items for Special Costumes.
- As the difficulty increases, the damage you receive increases, brightness decreases, ghosts and janitors become more intelligent, and the chance of heart rate increases.
- In "Hard" and "Real" difficulties, you cannot save the Original game, as you cannot obtain the marker pens. In the remake you can save the game during any difficulty.
- "Hard" and "Real" difficulties give the player a 2-hour time limit to complete the game. If the time limit runs out, the player loses. In the remake there is no time limit for the harder difficulties.
- In "Very Easy" and "Easy" difficulties, you cannot obtain the Sanitary Gloves, since your heart rate will not increase.
- In "Very Easy" and "Easy" difficulties, you can obtain hints by receiving SMS messages on your cell phone.
- Originally only "Very Easy", "Easy" and "Normal" are available from the start. To unlock "Hard" and "Real" the player has to complete the game once/on "Normal". A patch enables all 5 difficulties to be available from the start.