- "The CD that was found in the Music Room. It seems to have belonged to the dead music teacher."
- — Examine Text
CD is an item in White Day: ALNS And Remake. It is believed to have belonged to the former deceased Music Teacher in Yeondu High School.
It is found in the Music Supplies Room, 3rd floor of the Main Building Sections 2.
It is inside a glass case (Original) or in the CD tray of the stereo system located on top of the high shelf on the left in the back of the room. (Remake).
It is estimated that the CD item is related to the music teacher.

When turning to drag the CD

When turning to drag the CD (Remake)
Different descriptions before and after the acquisition of the key.
If you would like to get this, you must use the Remote Control.
The Way to get the Remote Control is different from the Original and the Remake.
Turning to drag (or use; as in the original) the CD in the inventory you can get the Art Room Key.
The CD is used for multiple purposes in the New Building.
- It is used to play music in the Dance Studio.
- It is used to print documents from the Computer Lab.