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Biology Class Notes is a note White Day: A Labyrinth Named School (Remake). It details the info of Spider.
It is exclusive to the remake version.
It is found in Classroom 2-2 on the 1st floor of Main Building, Section 1 of Yeondu High School.
Biology Class Notes
Arthropods that are arachnids
(What? they weren't bugs?)
6 to 8 eyes
Body part are head/chest and stomach
(What's the difference?)
There's a wandering kind and a setting kind.
They can't chew. They dissolve their prey with their stomach fluid.(Gross!)
It's thin bones and squishy body makes it hard to make a preserved specimen
(Then how'd they make the one in the Biology Lab?)
Next week's assignment is measuring a spider's weight using the specimen.
생물 실습 노트
거미강에 속하는 절지동물
(뭐야, 곤충 아니었어?)
다리가 8개 (징그러..)
6개~8개의 홑눈
머리가슴-배로 구분
(머리-가슴-배랑 뭐가 다른거람!)
정주성과 배회성으로 나뉨
먹이를 씹어 먹을 수 없어 소화액으로 녹여서 먹는다. (우웩..)
외골격이 얇고 몸이 물렁물렁해서 표본을 만들기 힘들다고 한다.
(그럼 생물실의 거미 표본은 어떻게 만든 거지?)
다음 주 과제는 거미 표본을 이용한 거미의 무게 측정
Note de la classe de biologie
Arthropodes qui sont des arachnides (Quoi ? C'est pas des insectes?)
Huit pattes (Ew!)
6 à 8 yeux
La partie du corps est la tête / la poitrine et l'estomac (Quelle est la différence?)
Il y a un genre errant et un type de décor.
Elles ne peuvent pas mâcher. Elles dissolvent leurs proies avec leur fluide gastrique. (Dégueu!)
Leurs os minces et leurs corps spongieux rendent difficile la fabrication d'un spécimen préservé
(Alors, comment ont-ils créé celui du laboratoire de biologie?)
L'attribution de la semaine prochaine consiste à mesurer le poids d'une araignée en utilisant le spécimen.
※ le professeur nous a promis de nous raconter une terrifiante histoire à la fin du cours de la semaine prochaine. J'ai hâte !Further Notes[]
- It has a hint related to the acquisition of the School Ghost Stories (15).