Mobile Universe
(White Day Mobile (2009) Continuity)

This is an example image
A Senior's Obsession (Hangul: 선배의 집착 ) is an exclusive document found in the Mobile version of White Day: A Labyrinth Named School (2009).
It details the information about password of computer
A Senior's Obsession
(Translated with Google, Probably not accurate)
After losing her older sister in an accident last year, her endless charm, which added a sense of mystery, captivated me. The other guys seem to have bad feelings for her, who is the light of my life. Yes! It's a sin for anyone other than me to think of her! You’re mine! Today I changed the computer password in the audiovisual room to her birthday.
Whoops... Does she know my heart?
선배의 집착
작년 사고로 언니를 잃은 후 신비감이 더해진 그녀의 끝없는 매력은 나를 사로잡았다.
내 삶의 빛이 되어주는 그녀에게 다른 녀석들 역시 나쁜 감정을 품고 있는 것 같다.
나를 제외한 다른 녀석이 그녀를 생각하는 건 죄다! 나만의 것! 내 것이다!
오늘 시청각실의 컴퓨터 암호를 그녀의 생일로 바꿨다.