The School: White Day Wiki
The School: White Day Wiki
The School: White Day Wiki
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A Note for Borrowing the Yin-Yang Token is a note White Day: A Labyrinth Named School (Remake).
It details the info of Yin-Yang Token ( Plate Taegeuk ) .

It is exclusive to the remake version.


It is found in History Room on the 1st floor of New Building of Yeondu High School.



A Note for Borrowing the Yin-Yang Token

To the Teacher in change of the History Room,

I'll be borrowing the Yin-Yang Token in order to go over some class materials.
I will be examining the token in Library 2. I'll return the token this coming Tuesday.

Thanks for your understanding.

Vice Principal Sang-moon Lee

태극패 대여 관련 쪽지

역사관 담당 교사님께,

이번 수업 자료 조사를 위해 태극패를 잠시 빌립니다.
조사는 제 2서고에서 진행합니다. 태극패는 돌아오는 화요일에 돌려 놓겠습니다.


교감 이상문

Une note pour emprunter le jeton Yin-Yang.

Pour le professeur en charge de la classe d'Histoire,

J'emprunterai le jeton du Yin-Yang pour passer en revu certains documents. J'examinerai le jeton dans la Librairie 2.

Je ramènerai le jeton Mardi. Merci de votre compréhension.

Vice-Président Sang-Moon Lee.

