The School: White Day Wiki
The School: White Day Wiki
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A Conspirer's Note is a note White Day: A Labyrinth Named School (Remake).
It details the info of a Safe of the Chairman's Office.

It is exclusive to the remake version.


It is found in Room 3-1 on the 2nd floor of New Building of Yeondu High School.



A Conspirer's Note

I saw a hidden safe when I went to the Chairman's Office.
The password was in numbers, symbols, and pictures.
I've seen something like that before some where in the school…….

Anyways, judging by the fact that he has a safe, the chairman is also keeping a few secrets himself!

Let's talk this over on Monday in school.

어떤 음모론자의 쪽지

오늘 이사장실에 갔다가 숨겨진 금고를 봤어.
비밀번호가 숫자랑 기호, 그림 같은 걸로 되어 있었는데, 그런 비슷한 걸 학교 어디선가 본 적이 있는데..

아무튼 그런 금고까지 있는 걸로 봐서, 이사장도 비밀스러운 게 한두 가지가 아니야..!

월요일에 학교에 오면 같이 얘기하자.

La note du conspirateur

J'ai vu un coffre-fort caché quand je suis allé au Bureau du Président.

Le mot de passe était en chiffre, symbole et images.

J'ai vu quelque chose de similaire dans l'école...

Quoiqu'il en soit, à en juger par son coffre-fort, le président garde lui aussi des secrets.

Parlons de ça Lundi à l'école.

Further Notes[]

